I have not always loved the water. But with all things, it’s about your attitude. And my attitude toward open-water and pool swimming has definitely evolved. I even got to the point last September, that I was actually at ease swimming in open water!

I also have a small fear of open water. Last year, when I started my Ironman training, I had the option of swimming open water or at the pool. Well, of course, I chose open water because I could hang out at the beach. The downside, it was open water in a lake.
If you knew where I was swimming, you’d tell me I was being silly. And I am. It’s this huge 800-meter loop shaped like an upper case D. The straight-line runs parallel to the shore. And it’s shallow for SO far out. So you can stand up if you start to freak out on the far side of the loop. Or want to take a rest, or why ever you would want to stop mid swim haha.
Because I would go swim by myself, I started off those swim sessions a little hesitant. There was almost always someone there swimming though, so it wasn’t like I was always alone. And it’s a pretty safe area to swim. But I would have some … nerves. I think that’s the best way to put it. And I would be feeling a small sense of dread all morning. So I put together a routine for myself to hype myself up.
This is how I prepare for my swims:
- Listen to my favourite album in the car. It’s literally always the same album. The Taylor Swift Lover album, and now it’s the Harry Styles Fine Line album. The albums are on like infinite repeat. You think I’d know all the lyrics by now. LOL.
- Pre-pack my bag in advance, so I’m not scrambling around and can give myself excuses not to swim.
- Treat myself to a hot chocolate when I finish swimming a new distance.
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