I am thrilled to announce that I’ve been invited to join the blueseventy racing team! I love their gear, and I’m super excited to be representing this company in my 2020 racing season.
blueseventy racing team
blueseventy was the first wetsuit I’ve owned, and really the only brand I’ve worn throughout my Ironman racing career thus far. I look forward to being part of a racing team that includes Lionel Sanders and Rachel McBride!! But really, being on a team of diverse athletes who love to swim, bike, and run!!
It’s super fun to reflect on my journey with swimming. When I first started in triathlon, at my very first sprint race in 2013, it was a 500m open water swim in an inlet, and I panicked. I started the swim confidently, then I started to panic on the far side, and it just took me forever to finish. I was the last one out of the water, and it took me so long to finish that they were tearing down the swim start!! My poor husband and pup were left wondering where I was, and if I was OK. All I could think about was how much I hated the swim, how much I wanted to see my husband and pop again, and just wanting to get on my bike.
That swim was a terrible way to start my triathlon “career”. It was truly horrifying, and I thought I’d never make it back to the shore. Luckily, I still had enough fun (or am just crazy) on the bike and run that I signed up for another triathlon! And an Olympic distance at that! 1500m, and it would be at the same location!! I fared only marginally better, but still I love triathlon enough to keep up with the swimming.
Fast forward a few Ironman 70.3 distances, and now living in Kelowna, I have the luxury of doing my training swims at Gyro Beach. In September of this year, 2019, I actually found myself choosing to swim in the open water of the lake, BY MYSELF, versus choosing to swim at the pool! My blueseventy wetsuit and I became best friends. She’s my safety blanket!

I am really looking forward to the spring when it warms up, to get back out there into the open water in 2020. And I get to race with blueseventy, which is a huge step and quite the evolution for this athlete. In the meantime, there’s going to be plenty of pool time, which I’m still excited for because it’ll mean I’ll be an even stronger swimmer when I get out there next.
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